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Dont Touch my Holocaust
Title: Dont Touch my Holocaust
Director: Asher Tlalim / 1994
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Title:Dont Touch my Holocaust
Director: Asher Tlalim
Language:  Hebrew (English subtitles)
Duration:140 minutes

About the Documentary:

Tlalim's epic documentary starts with a question asked by an experimental Israeli theatre collective: What do we - the generation after - have to do with the Holocaust? Delving through films, written documentation and interviews in search of truth, the actors find what they call "the mythology of the Holocaust" - a story of saints and monsters that looms larger than life. Every bit as serious as the subject it covers, the film is a unique, often surreal exploration of the Holocaust's effect on the children and grandchildren, of both victims and perpetrators, across cultures which choose to remember and which choose to forget.

Winner: Best Documentary � Berlin Film Festival, 1995

Winner: Best Documentary � Israeli Oscars, 1994
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