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Soraida - a women of Palestine
Title: Soraida - a women of Palestine
Director: Tahani Rached / 2004
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Title:Soraida - a women of Palestine
Director: Tahani Rached
Language:  Arabic (English subtitles)
Duration:119 minutes

About the Documentary:

Following the intimate style of her critically acclaimed 1997 documentary, Four Women of Egypt, in her latest work, Rached turns the camera on the personal struggle of Soraida a Palestinian woman living in Ramallah. Observing and interviewing Soraida as she carries out her daily life, the film is a quiet celebration of one woman's struggle to retain her dignity and humanity in the face of a violent repression that threatens her existence and a resistance that offers her no automatic role. In this subtle study, Rached allows Soraida to show the audience hitherto unseen spaces of resistance opened up through the remarkable defiance and courage that is necessary in the otherwise superficially unremarkable life of this woman of Palestine.


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