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In the 9th month
Title: In the 9th month
Director: ALI NASSAR / 2003
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Title:In the 9th month
Director: ALI NASSAR
Language:  Arabic (English Subtitles)
Duration:106 minutes

About the Film:

A folk legend that spread through Palestinian villages during the days of Ottoman rule tells of a mysterious man who kidnaps naughty children. Ahmad, with his unexplained secrecy and unusual dress, is suspected of being just such a kidnapper. Yet, there is good reason for his behaviour - his brother Khalil, a refugee from Lebanon, has snuck back into the village. Nassar's film, while scarcely showing a physical Israeli presence, offers an extraordinary view of the diffuse emotional violence of the conflict, capable of tearing families, lovers and whole villages apart.

Winner: Special Jury Award - Jerusalem Film Festival, 2003
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