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Directed by | Akram Al Ashqar
Genre documentary | Length: 27mins | Year of production: 2006
Nour was born in Israel�s Telmond prison, where his mother, Manal Ghanem from Tulkarm refugee camp, was being held. He lived for more than two and a half years with his mother in the prison before being separated from her while she remained in detention. The film joins Nour on his �release� and follows his first encounter with life outside an Israeli security prison. This beautifully composed debut documentary from Akram Al Ashqar, speaks of confusion and curiosity as Nour assimilates to a world populated not only by women, and where not all doors remain closed. Interviews with family members and friends provide a glimpse of his life inside the prison and reveal perhaps the most difficult aspect of all the fact that Nour misses the place where he was born: his mother�s cell which represented his only �world�.
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