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In association with the Centre for Palestine Studies, LMEI, SOAS
 Palestine and the Moving Image is a one day conference dedicated to the subject of Palestine in film and video.
Convened in association with the Centre for Palestine Studies at the London Middle East Institute, SOAS, the event is the first of its kind in the UK.
With presentations by scholars, artists and curators, panels will explore topics ranging from colonial propaganda to video art, from militant aesthetics to visual ethics. The conference is aimed at cinema enthusiasts as well as scholars and filmmakers.
View the complete conference programme, including presentation abstracts, speaker bios, and schedule (pdf, 1.5mb).
Read on for details and ticketing:
 Date: Saturday May 11th
Time: 10:00am � 18:00pm
Venue: Khalili Lecture Theatre, SOAS, University of London, Russell Sq. ( Map)
NB: Space is limited and advance booking essential.
Tickets: �20 full price / �15 students & unwaged (includes buffet lunch) (transaction fees apply)
Book now
If you are unable to purchase your ticket online, please contact us for information on cash and cheque bookings at [email protected]
10:00 � Registration, Tea and Coffee
10:30 � Opening address
Panel One: From the Colonial Gaze to the Politics of Self Representation
Chair: Dina Matar
Senior Lecturer & Director of the Centre for Media and Film studies, SOAS
Side by Side in Peace: Tolerance, Terrorism, and the �Street Scene in Jerusalem�
��Francis Gooding
��Independent researcher, contributor to the Colonial Film: Images of the British Empire project
As if they do not Exist
��Irit Neidhardt
��Producer, founder/director of MEC Film distribution company.
Form vs. Function: Experimentation in the Militant Cinemas of the 1970s
��Nick Denes
��Independent researcher, co director of the Palestine Film Foundation
Beyond Images of Claims
��Nadia Yaqub
��Associate Professor of Arab Culture, Department of Asian Studies at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
12:45 � Lunch
Panel Two: Insurgent Gestures in Recent/Contemporary Cinema
Chair: Alisa Lebow
Senior Lecturer in Screen Media, Brunel University
Aesthetic Resistance in the Films of Elia Suleiman
��Refqa Abu Remaileh
��Postdoctoral fellow, Freie Universit�t Berlin
Reviving the Palestinian Narrative on Film: Joint Productions as a Form of Negotiating the Future Through the Past and Present
��Haim Bresheeth
��Professor of Film Studies & Chair of Cultural and Media Studies, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of East London (2001 to 2012)
The Credits of My Next Movie
��Kamal Aljafari
��Head of the directing program at the German Film and Television Academy in Berlin director of The Roof (2006) and Port of Memory (2009)
15:15 � Coffee break
Panel Three: Video, Installation, and Alternative Encounters with the Moving Image
Chair: Nirmal Puwar
Senior Lecturer in Sociology and Co Director of the Methods Lab, Goldsmiths College
Presenting Absence: Darwish in Dialogue with the Palestinian Moving Image
��Anna Ball
��Senior Lecturer in Postcolonial Studies in the Department of English, Media and Culture at Nottingham Trent University
The Impossibility of Return in �Enter Ghost, Exit Ghost�
��Bashir Makhoul
��Head of the Winchester School of Art at the University of Southampton
��Basma Alsharif
��Represented by Galerie Imane Fares, Paris.
Screens of Struggle: Palestinian Video Experiences
��Helga Tawil Souri
��Associate Professor in the Department of Media, Culture, and Communication at New York University (NYU)
17:45 � Closing remarks
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